Explora for KidsThis link opens in a new windowGeneral collection
This link opens in a new window
FactCiteThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Biographies, sports, mythology, U.S. History, science and technology, countries and culture
PebbleGoThis link opens in a new windowIncludes information on Animals, Science, Health, Biographies, Social Studies
Primary SearchThis link opens in a new windowElementary General database: Provides full text for more than 70 popular, magazines for elementary school research
Sirs DiscovererThis link opens in a new windowK-9: Full-text articles and graphics from more than 1,600 U.S. and international magazines, newspapers and U.S. government documents, which were carefully selected for their educational content, interest and level of readability for middle and elementary curriculum topics.
Tumblebook Library
Welcome to Wonderopolis®, a place where natural curiosity and imagination lead to exploration and discovery in learners of all ages.
Search Follett Destiny
Culture GramsThis link opens in a new windowDaily life and culture, statistics, history, customs, lifestyles, recipes and interviews from over 200 countries. In four modules: World, Kids, United States, and Canada.
FactCiteThis link opens in a new windowIncludes Biographies, sports, mythology, U.S. History, science and technology, countries and culture
World Book Dramatic LearningThis link opens in a new windowBy turning texts into plays, skits, and monologues and providing teaching tools to apply these materials in the classroom, Dramatic Learning can help students become more fluent readers, understand core concepts, and internalize content.
World Book KidsThis link opens in a new windowFor elementary students.
Search visually with this
interactive search engine
Reference Sources
World Book for Kids
Fact Monster
Wordsmythe Dictionary Illustrated
World Book for Students
(middle school)
Wordsmythe Dictionary
for upper elementary
Atlapedia (Atlas)
National Geographic maps
Word Central
from Merriam Webster
National Geographic
Book Flix
Book Flix
Talking books for early readers. It pairs approximately 135 animated stories with a nonfiction talking book on a similar subject
Unite for Literacy
For ELL and All Learners
At Unite for Literacy, we picture a world where all children have access to an abundance of books that celebrate their languages and cultures and cultivate a lifelong love of reading.